Customer Testimonials

As part of keeping track of customer satisfaction within our ISO certification, we record comments received from customers. Below are just a few comments we have received:

We are very happy with everything, both the quality of the boxes and the quality of the service from your company. We didn’t know what to expect coming in to this project and everyone at Imperial was very helpful and attentive in making sure we got everything right. We look forward to placing future orders with Imperial and would highly recommend your company to anyone looking for help creating high quality custom packaging boxes for their products.
– Tice H., Manufacturer of Food Products

I wanted to say thank you so much to you and your team for your amazing custom printed boxes and inserts for our products. They are awesome and we look forward to working with you again.
– Michael P., Manufacturer of Cosmetics

Working with your company was the single most enjoyable and seamless experience in the process of rolling out our new product line. You have been professional, astute, provided quality, competitiveness, and have been an absolute pleasure to work with. You don’t act like suppliers – you act like PARTNERS! You are UNMATCHED in the service you provide of manufacturing custom boxes. We appreciate our partnership very much and look forward to working with you again.

– Juliet T., Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Products

I don’t get excited about much, but I love my new custom-printed boxes. I have been thinking of you and bragging about you.
– Michael J., Manufacturer of Bakery Products

I have been super busy pumping out holiday orders in our new AMAZING custom boxes. They came out really well and thank you for expediting the process. We will be doing more business really soon.
– Stephanie C., Manufacturer of Consumer Products

We are thrilled with the custom printed boxes – the printing and soft touch feel are beautiful. I appreciate all your help with the project more than I can ever say! You helped make the project come together!
– Caroline S., Manufacturer of Candles

I finally had a chance to go and look at the printed boxes. The print job is FANTASTIC and I could not be happier with the finished product. A big thank you for the incredible work. I am very much looking forward to growing our business together.

– Adam G., Manufacturer of Beverage Products

I just wanted to let you know that we were very pleased with the work you did on the custom packaging boxes. The quality was excellent and the way they were packed, made it easy for our staff to bag them in bundles, and it did surpass last year’s quality (and it was good). Our client was satisfied 100% which to me is the most important matter. Thank you again for your commitment to excellence, and we looking forward to sending you more work.
– Lourdes K., Packaging Broker

Just a quick thank you for the great job you did on our revised custom box. I realize that it involved more work than usual, and I appreciate the extra push you gave it to ensure a good outcome. I’m delighted with the finished product.

– Kate V., Manufacturer of Vape Products

I really want to say thank you for putting up with my numerous calls today. And thank you for getting these custom boxes done so fast. You turned the job around in less than 48 hours and that is fantastic.

– McKenzie P., Manufacturer of Cosmetics

I just wanted to thank you in advance for your efforts. We realize that each day there are myriad challenges and accompanying expectations and for you and your team to go beyond to assist us in this time critical endeavor, as previously noted, is sincerely appreciated.
– Jim F., Manufacturer of Cannabis Products

Thank you for the fast turnaround on our custom printed boxes. I truly appreciate the effort and quick action, allowing our company to continue production and not miss any sales. Imperial really came through for us.
– Clegg M., Manufacturer of Food Products

I wanted you to know that I think the quality is excellent. Imperial really did a great job on both the box and the insert! You will have a second order from me shortly.
– Troy R., Manufacturer of Candy Products

I wanted to thank you for your help on our most recent order of custom packaging boxes. I really appreciate all of the extra effort that your team put into finishing off our order and especially our requests for expedited shipping on a portion of the order.
– Steven N., Manufacturer of Medical Products

I want to thank you again for how quickly you and your team turned around last week’s project. THANK YOU! You guys are THE BEST!
– Dana A., Manufacturer of Automotive Products

The box was perfect and great quality! This was our first experience of making a packaging box and we so appreciate your great support.
– Ayumi N., Consulting Company for the Food & Healthcare Industries

Imperial always does a fantastic job of meeting our needs and providing custom packaging boxes to us in a timely manner as well as working with us on priority items.

– Joshua P., Manufacturer of Consumer Products